Christmas Music in October

Well hello there…It’s been awhile since I’ve written… I’ve had much to say but sometimes the words just don’t flow. Tonight it seems they want to flow. I really want to get better at writing about my life, and Jesus and all that’s good in the world amongst the dark shadows. The truth is my life is messy (whose isn’t?), and I’m continuing to grow to be who God wants me to me. I am still working full time in banking and I’ve started a business which is almost taking off to be full time too. My business is really the heart and soul of who I am as a person– I love to make people smile, and I get to do that by creating things special for them. (You can check our business out at if you want– the website isn’t fully done yet, but it will give you an idea of what I’ve been up to). Anyway, this post wasn’t to talk about Jaxx (I just wanted to share where I’ve been up). I’ve been in a funk for a while, but tonight, I decided to turn on some Christmas music– it brings me such comfort (it fills my heart with memories of my childhood, and my husband always makes sure Christmas is special in our home by fully decorating the house for me). I think it’s time to start baking Chocolate Chip cookies (mom let’s do this just for fun soon–it doesn’t have to be Christmas to have Christmas in your heart.)

I imagine many people right now are finding different ways to cope with our new reality of what life looks like at this point in time. Here we are walking around with masks, and there’s barely any semblance of what our normal used to be– we don’t hug and kiss our family, there’s no shaking hands, you can’t see smiles, everyone is behind plexiglass. People are working from home, and kids are schooling from home. It’s truly heart wrenching, I want normal back and I’m sure you do to. There are somethings I am thankful for– I am now home every night, as my board meetings have all been moved to Zoom meetings. I’ve taken the time to fall in love with being home. With that being said, I am eagerly awaiting next years Mother/Daughter Annual Vacation.

What’s your Christmas Music? What gets you out of your funk?