Life is Short…

So nothing new has really happened in my life in the last couple days— and I promised to write more…So I Googled some Blog Prompts (gasp)… I know… It didn’t come from my brain, but I can guarantee my writing will come from the heart!

The Million Dollar Question:

How would you spend your last days if you were told you were going to die on Friday and today was Monday?

We’ll assume I find this out at work:

  • I’d send out an email thanking my previous teams and current teams for a good run.
  • I’d email upper management and also thank them for taking a chance on me.
  • I would reach out to the clients I’ve worked with over the years who made an impact in my life and vice versa.

And then… I’d leave, no one ever laid on their death bed saying they wished they worked more.

  • I’d find my family and few close friends, every single last living one and kiss them and tell them how much they mean to me.
  • I’d hold my puppies a little longer.
  • I’d love on my husband a little more.
  • I’d set one Facebook post, letting all my friends know and I send my love and thank them for any parts they had in my life.
  • I’d put my phone away and focus on those in front of me.
  • I’d stay up until Friday and live every moment as it raced past me.
  • I’d talk to God, and pray.
  • I’d make sure my husband knew how to cash in my insurance policies.
  • I’d laugh, not just those little laughs but really good big laughs.

The bottom line— I’d focus on those that matter, and live in the moment. Friday comes fast, if it’s your last day!

Update/ Brain Dump/ The best me

Hello All,

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. I know I don’t write consistently and I always say I want to change that and the truth is I really do want to change that, but life happens. This crazy beautiful life gets away, and some days are more beautiful than others. Do you ever have days where you feel you really have to pull yourself thorough? I know I sure do.

I wanted to tell you all that I will be making an effort to come back here and write more often and consistently. I don’t know if I’ve ever shared with you all, but my dream is to become a published author—well in an effort to make that dream come true I’ve started writing my first novel. I am super excited to embark on this journey, this has been a dream for years, and I decided it’s time to make it a reality.

Which leads me to my next thought—my journey, your journey, our journey… I am all for being positive, those of you that know me personally know I am a lover of all around me. I do everything in my power to stay positive, however, I don’t think when we are sad, hurt, or upset we should be made to push those feelings aside. If we were meant to always be happy God would have not given us the ability to feel sorrow— I am not saying you stay in that sorrow, and wallow in it, but it’s okay to have an off day, week, or even month. No one has the authority to tell you how you should feel. I’m not saying you live each day walking around in the mullie grubs but what I am saying is if you are sad—cry, scream— don’t hold it in because in the end you only end up dying inside.

I want to apologize to my husband, family, and friends for me not always giving the best version of myself. I give 110% of myself to others, and I am starting to realize sometimes it’s the wrong people. Sometimes I am spent from a whole day of what feels like I am carrying the entire world on my shoulders— that I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to socialize, I just want to be alone with my thoughts (or mainly just a pillow and blankie) and I love my people fiercely… I am just mentally exhausted. So please forgive me if I am short, sensitive, and overall unloveable. I am trying, I am trying to be a better me—I am just stuck between trying to be positive, learning its okay to cry, and trying to give everyone my best.


Gracefully Rambling ❤️